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Imagine your partner tickles you from a distance

By Barbara
May 14, 2021
1 min read
Imagine your partner tickles you from a distance

“SenzyBeeing” is a new remote touch phenomenon…

I bet you’re smiling right now as you think about it

We SenzyBee’rs sure are.

SenzyBeeing is a new remote touch phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory by remote touch leads to involuntary experiences in other sensory or emotional sensations.

It’s our form of mirror touch (1). Let me explain…

For example… 

Your partner may be in another city, he touches you through SenzyBee, you recall the real time feeling/memory of a time he touched you.

Maybe it was a time you enjoyed a special dinner out and locked your pinky finger with his.

  • Or when you dance with him to “your song” as he whispers in your ear.
  • Or the feeling you get waking up next to him.
  • Or a special time he kissed you.
  • Or something more intimate.
  • Or simply a cutsie time that was kinda dumb.

It puts a smile on your face… 

Because you feel the same sensation as when he touched you in a meaningful time.

SenzyBee remote touch is more than just a way to touch your partner when you’re separated by distance. It’s your chance to rekindle and relish past times together.

I, for one, believe you’re ready, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this blog. And because you are here with me, now, I think we are very much alike. We want to close the distance in our long distance relationships.

So, let’s begin right now to understand some of the challenges a LDR can pose, and how to overcome those challenges, shall we?

Now, if you want a truly successful LDR…

Then perhaps we can send you our weekly blog. Simply give us your email, plus you’ll get our timely report “Can tech and science solve the ‘overlooked curse’ of long distance relationships?” You can sign up here.

Every week we’ll post something to make your long distance relationship a little easier and more fun.

Including how to “mirror touch” for fun.


SenzyBeeLong Distance Relationship


Next Article
Can tech and science solve the “overlooked curse” of long distance relationships?


SenzyBee Psychologist

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